July 22, 2021
Project title: IoT Enabled Smart Apiary for Remote Auditing and Healthy Production (Image: SFN+) A collaborative research project funded and supported by STFC Food Network+, University of Sheffield and UKRI-STFC. Addressing Theme 1: Auditing and Healthy Production with smart technology to monitor beehives. Insect pollinators are an essential part of Earth’s ecosystems. Recent, catastrophic reductions […]Read More
December 9, 2017
Defined as the interconnectivity of devices, objects and items, the Internet of Things (IoT) is set to revolutionise the ways in which ‘things’ collect and share data. As such, this technology presents a fantastic commercial opportunity for all kinds of businesses. Whether small or large, technology-focussed or not, here are some of the ways your organisation could benefit from […]Read More
December 15, 2016
IoT devices are growing in popularity and are set to account for a large proportion of Christmas sales this season. However, the interconnectivity of devices is both the primary appeal of IoT, and its Achilles’ heel. Indeed, IoT devices have far too often made the headlines throughout 2016 for having inadequate security features in place, […]Read More